Tech News Thing #1: Prepare For The End Of Windows 7 Our 3 part-series, 3 Things Every Business Needs to Accomplish in the Next 6 Months, launches today. The first article in our series is regarding the…
Tech News These Hackers Warned Congress The Internet Was Not Secure. 20 Years Later, Their Message Is The Same. [caption id="attachment_1823" align="aligncenter" width="500"] L0pht members on the morning before they testified in 1998.[/caption] Twenty years ago this week, a collective of young hackers came to Washington…
Tech News IT Now Means ‘Intelligent Technology’ And Your Business Needs To Step Up In a Fortune article, the CEO of Insight Enterprises, an Arizona based IT company, has a warning for American business leaders. The world, he says, is…
Tech News New Year, New Tech Meltdown News this week: You may be seeing headlines and emails regarding CPU flaws and vulnerabilities named Meltdown and Spectre. As always, we are aware and working…
Tech News Net Neutrality Vote Tomorrow: This Is How It Could Impact The Internet Tomorrow, December 13th, the Federal Communications Commission will vote on a measure that would completely gut regulations to internet providers and open the door for net…
Tech News Another Worldwide Cyberattack Called GoldenEye (Not The Video Game) Meet the sequel to WannaCry, the wide-ranging ransomware attack that crippled businesses around the globe last month. A wave of ransomware attacks spread like wildfire on…
Tech News Don’t Fall For Firefox Banking Trojan Named “HoeflerText” The malicious scam campaign, "The 'HoeflerText' font wasn't found," is back, which was previously targeting Google Chrome users to trick them into installing Spora ransomware on…