Backup and Disaster Recovery

Connect with us today, before disaster strikes.

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Not All Backups Are Created Equal

There are more than 31 flavors of backup solutions, and every service provider will tell you that theirs is the best. So, how do you identify the perfect backup system for your organization?

What would you do if your organization lost all its data? If you wake up one day and find all your databases, websites, and essential apps are inaccessible or totally wiped out—it happens to the best of us.

Securing Your Backups

In an increasingly dangerous cybersecurity landscape, disaster recovery solutions become a required “Plan Backup” should something go wrong.

Datto BDR cannot be opened or run by external users, making it resistant to foreign interference. Therefore, even if cyber attackers could access and encrypt your local databases, they wouldn’t reach the backups.

datto blue diamond partner, Cyberscore, cybersecurity companies Chicago

As a Datto Blue Diamond partner, LeadingIT secures clients with the best in disaster recovery solutions, Datto Backup and Data Recovery (Datto BDR).

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Let’s make sure your data is properly secured

Call us at 815-799-4368 or fill in the form below to get started
